A volcano on a Spanish island continues to erupt

 By: Madison Maronde

A volcano on a Spanish island continues to erupt for nearly the second week, according to an article by the Washington Post.

The island being affected, La Palma, is in the Canary Islands and it’s volcano originally erupted on Sept.19. According to an article by ABC News, 6,000 people have been evacuated and 589 buildings have been destroyed. 

The lava has now flowed over 630 acres of the La Palma. The island is about 22 miles long according to an article by the Washington Post.

The lava flow has also reached the ocean, according to an article by ABC News, this interaction is dangerous as it can release toxic gas and cause explosions. 

No one has been killed, however many people have lost their homes and livelihoods according to an article by ABC News.

The last time the volcano erupted in 1971, volcanic activity after the fact continued for about a month according to an article by the Washington Post.


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